I have tried a few photo books over the years and nothing has even come close to the books I now have available to clients. These photo books are hand-crafted, printed to perfection on archival (it's high quality will last a LONG time) paper and come in 8x8 or 10x10 size. I cannot think of a better way to keep and share your favorite images from a session. Your selected images are printed full page...so you get large prints of your images. Depending on the number of images you select, some can be spread across two full pages with NO line in the middle. You can check out the photos below I took of an actual book a client ordered and allowed me to photograph and share with you the amazing results...these pix do not do the product justice but serve as an idea of what you can expect.
This image is an attempt to show you the actual thickness of the pages your images are printed on...not editing or camera blur here...they are that thick...I was amazed when it arrived.